Architecture is the
Space Between People.
Architecture is more than just building buildings; it’s about people and how they shape, experience, and interpret the spaces around them. It is a dialogue between human behavior, culture, and the built environment, reflecting and influencing the way we live, connect, and envision our world.
Theory inspired by practice.
Drawing from my practical experience, my research explores innovative approaches to organizing, designing, and creating shared spaces that foster collaborative efforts toward a better future.
Urban transformation can only succeed together.
The challenges facing the future of cities are becoming increasingly complex and can no longer be addressed within the silo of a single discipline. This calls for collaborative efforts across both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary lines. I curate, coordinate, and facilitate cooperative and co-creative processes and projects.
Subjects that I like to talk about
- Urban Transformation Strategies
- Participation in City Planning
- Cooperative Urban Space
- Processes of Co-Creation
- New Roles in Architecture
- Urban Initiatives and Activism
- Urban Commons
Questions? Just write me!
- +49 (0) 176 820 87 357